October 29, 2010

Are You Ready for Some Football?

I LIVE for college football. I patiently wait for college to start every fall so that every Thursday, Friday and Saturday my eyes are glued to the television watching guys run around tackling each other, kicking and catching balls and everything else that is... college football. I love checking the rankings every Sunday to see how far an upset causes a school to fall and who's still battling for that #1 spot. I get joy out of chatting it up with my dad each game about the off the wall calls and stupid plays. I've even been given the side-eye and banned as "one of the girls" because I choose to stay home and watch two undefeated teams in the middle of the season battle it out than to walk aimlessly around a mall... that game was worth it though! 

To me college football isn't like every other kind of football. I can't get into high school or pro football like I can college. It seems like there's a lot more heart in college football, and that's what I love to see. And new talent is constantly being rotated in, nobody can ever be around for yearssss.

When my teams are down I want to suit up and get out there on the field and help them take the lead. When my teams are up I'm the biggest trash talker you'll ever meet. If we get  the W, I celebrate like I'm the one that made the sack or caught the winning touchdown pass. If we get the L, I hurt like I'm the kicker that missed the field goal for the tie to take the game into overtime.

Yes... college football IS that serious.

October 28, 2010

Please Answer Me

The type of job I have requires me to ask questions, all day every day. So, I don't have a problem with coming up with stuff to ask. It's the actual act of asking the question that usually trips me up.

I live by the rule: Only ask a question if you REALLY want/need to know the answer... whether good or bad.

At work, I usually REALLY need to know the answers so asking the question comes easily. It's when it comes to family and friends that asking a question becomes a battle. I always have to think long and hard about whether or not I can handle hearing an answer that's not the one I was hoping to hear. After I finally decide that I REALLY want to know the answer I have to have a pep talk with myself to hype myself up enough to actually ask the question. (#dontjudgeme lol) There are times when I fix my mouth to ask and then I just freeze up, or I'll type the question out and instead of pressing "send" I'll press "discard/delete" instead. But those people that *really* know me, knows how hard it can be for me to actually ask a question so they know that when they do they *have* to give the most thorough and honest answer they have.

So to that person that I finally hyped myself up enough to ask /that/ question to last night... You know the drill ;-) I'm patiently waiting for you to... Please, answer me.

October 26, 2010


I often wonder what is the purpose of dreams. Like are they there just to show you all of your thoughts that you haven't had a chance to think about yet? Or are they there to tell you something?

Did I have a horrible dream about losing my little sister just because I was attending a funeral that weekend? What about that dream about him and I skipping through a field of flowers? Was that forseeing the future?... Reminding me of the past?... Or just telling me how I really feel?

And why are some so lifelike? The ones where I can hear the voices like they're screaming in my ear, I can touch a hand and feel their flesh on my flesh, I can smell and see everything around me, I can taste whatever touches my tongue.

Then there are those dreams that seem like pure entertainment. The ones where I feel like I'm watching a movie. I feel myself smiling, laughing and crying at the movie that's playing within my closed eyelids.

I just wonder what's the purpose for dreams...

October 24, 2010

My Ramblings

I constantly feel like nobody listens to me. I can scream, shout, sign, write, whatever... and still everything I say goes in one ear and out the other. It doesn't matter that I'm giving sound advice, honestly expressing how I feel, speaking from experience, giving a great idea, or offering the best solution possible to an answer... I still go unheard.

BUT... Just about everyone will come back around and let me know that I was right. Yes, that little voice that you ignored was right. No ifs, ands or buts about it... I was right. If I received a dollar for every "I told you so" that I quietly say to myself then I'd be a millionaire right now, all because...

Nobody listens to me.