October 26, 2010


I often wonder what is the purpose of dreams. Like are they there just to show you all of your thoughts that you haven't had a chance to think about yet? Or are they there to tell you something?

Did I have a horrible dream about losing my little sister just because I was attending a funeral that weekend? What about that dream about him and I skipping through a field of flowers? Was that forseeing the future?... Reminding me of the past?... Or just telling me how I really feel?

And why are some so lifelike? The ones where I can hear the voices like they're screaming in my ear, I can touch a hand and feel their flesh on my flesh, I can smell and see everything around me, I can taste whatever touches my tongue.

Then there are those dreams that seem like pure entertainment. The ones where I feel like I'm watching a movie. I feel myself smiling, laughing and crying at the movie that's playing within my closed eyelids.

I just wonder what's the purpose for dreams...

1 comment:

  1. Girl, I have no idea what the purpose of dreams is. My sleep is continuously broken throughout the night. I don't get to taste or smell anything. Unfortunately, the dreams that I hate the most are those that make me feel like I've lost a loved one and I actually wake up crying. Messes up my whole day.

    I try to take dreams for what they are...just a past time entertainment.
