October 28, 2010

Please Answer Me

The type of job I have requires me to ask questions, all day every day. So, I don't have a problem with coming up with stuff to ask. It's the actual act of asking the question that usually trips me up.

I live by the rule: Only ask a question if you REALLY want/need to know the answer... whether good or bad.

At work, I usually REALLY need to know the answers so asking the question comes easily. It's when it comes to family and friends that asking a question becomes a battle. I always have to think long and hard about whether or not I can handle hearing an answer that's not the one I was hoping to hear. After I finally decide that I REALLY want to know the answer I have to have a pep talk with myself to hype myself up enough to actually ask the question. (#dontjudgeme lol) There are times when I fix my mouth to ask and then I just freeze up, or I'll type the question out and instead of pressing "send" I'll press "discard/delete" instead. But those people that *really* know me, knows how hard it can be for me to actually ask a question so they know that when they do they *have* to give the most thorough and honest answer they have.

So to that person that I finally hyped myself up enough to ask /that/ question to last night... You know the drill ;-) I'm patiently waiting for you to... Please, answer me.

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